The Muhlenberg Domain of One’s Own Faculty Learning Community launched on October 13 and 14 with a visit to campus from Jim Groom and Lauren Brumfeld, from Reclaim Hosting. Jim’s public talk, “A Pandora’s Box for Teaching, Scholarship, and Identity,” is captured below. His talk was followed by a workshop for FLC participants on Friday.
In the days after these events, a number of blog posts reflecting on the experience were published. A round up of those blogs is available here:
More recently, Jim has published his own blog reflection here and Adam Croom, the director of digital learning at Oklahoma University, has blogged about Muhlenberg’s domains project here
If you were unable to attend the October 13 talk, please watch the video above. Please also read the various blog posts linked above, and consider writing and sharing your own blog post reflecting on the talk and getting started with your domain.